Animal Control

Environmental Services Building
4277 Wire Rd, Suite 100
(334) 501-3080 - -
- M-F
- 7:30AM-4:30PM
Mission Statement
Ensuring the health and safety of City of Auburn residents and companion animals through the enforcement of dog related ordinances and the promotion of pet safety and responsible pet ownership.
Information on the Animal Ordinance in the City Code
FAQ Regarding Animal Control
Q: How often does Animal Control patrol my neighborhood?
A: Animal Control officers patrol the City on a frequent basis. If you notice dogs running at large or you encounter other similar problems that need immediate attention, please contact Animal Control at 334-501-3090. For after-hour needs EMERGENCY ONLY, please call Public Safety Non-Emergency 334-501-3100.
Q: How do I obtain a dog license?
A: A dog license is not required, but owners must have proof of rabies vaccination.
Q: My animal is missing, what do I do?
A: Contact Animal Control at 334-501-3090 or the CARE Humane Society at 334-821-3222. You can also report a missing pet through the Auburn FixIt app.
Q: What do I do if I'm bitten by an animal?
A: Contact the Public Safety Non-Emergency at 334-501-3100 and seek medical attention as needed. The police will contact Animal Control.
Q: Is there a leash law for dogs in Auburn?
A: Yes. A dog is considered to be under restraint when any one of the following conditions exist:
- The dog is confined in a building, fenced pen, or fenced yard on its owner's property, or on the property of another person with the other person's consent.
- The dog is leashed.
- The dog is tethered on its owner's property or on the property of another person with the other person's permission, in such a position that the dog cannot gain access to public property or other private property.
- The dog, though not meeting any of the conditions stated in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, above, is in a peaceful attitude on the property of its owner; and is wearing rabies vaccination tags.
Q: I own a dog, but no longer wish to take care of it. Can Animal Control pick the dog up?
A: It is not Animal Control’s policy to remove owned animals from their owner's property. You may transport the dog to the CARE Humane Society.
Q: I have witnessed someone abusing animals, what do I do?
A: Please contact Animal Control at 334-501-3090 during business hours or report it through the Auburn FixIt app. After hours, please contact the Public Safety Non-Emergency at 501-3100.
Q: What are the rules regarding barking dogs?
A: Under City Code Section 4-19(a), no owner shall permit a dog to habitually bark or yelp in such a loud and frequent manner as to annoy and disturb the public in the vicinity. Contact Animal Control for more information at 501-3090.
Q: What steps should I take to deal with stray cats?
A: It is not Animal Control's policy to deal with stray cats, but here are some suggestions to help citizens deal with stray cats:
- Do not feed stray cats. This will reduce the chance of stray cats hanging around your property.
- Remove potential food sources (e.g., pet food, unsecured garbage containers). By removing potential food sources, you will reduce the chance of stray cats hanging around your property.
- If stray cats become a nuisance, you may borrow a cat trap (the traps are humane) from Animal Control. Contact Animal Control at 334-501-3090 for further information about obtaining a cat trap.
Q: I have some kind of wildlife (e.g., raccoon, oppossum) in my attic/under my house, what should I do?
A: Contact Animal Control for recommendations. You may be advised to employ a private pest management company.
Q: If I find some kind of wildlife in my yard, what should I do?
A: Do not make contact with wildlife. Contact Animal Control for more information regarding wildlife.